
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

West Kentucky Anglicans: Revd. Chris Larimer Installed at Holy Apostles Anglican Church

Pictured above, from left to right are People’s Warden Dave Jarrett, Bishop Guernsey, Reverend Chris Larimer, and Rector’s Warden Jeff Healey

On Sunday, January 30th, The Reverend Chris Larimer was installed as Rector at Holy Apostles Anglican Church. The Rt. Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit for the Anglican Church of North America, presided over the Induction and Installation Service. Wardens of the Holy Apostles Vestry, Jeff Healey and Dave Jarrett presented Fr. Larimer to the Bishop as the Rector chosen to serve the parish.

Bishop Guernsey, accompanied by his wife Meg, traveled from his home in Woodbridge, VA and spent the weekend with members of the congregation prior to the service where Fr. Larimer officially was installed as the new Rector. Fr. Larimer replaces The Reverend Kent Litchfield of Elizabethtown as Holy Apostles Rector. Litchfield retired on December 31, 2010.

To read more, click here.

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