
Friday, February 04, 2011

Summit 2011: Anglican 1000 Church Planting Summit

Dr. Timothy Keller and Bishop Todd Hunter were plenary speakers at Summit 2011, the Anglican 1000 Church Planting Summit sponsored by the Anglican Church in North America. Dr. Keller and Bishop Hunter lead church planting networks on opposite ends of the United States.

Dr. Timothy Keller is an American author, speaker, and the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, New York. He is the author of several books, including The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.

Redeemer started a church planting center in 2001 and has helped start over 175 churches of various denominations in the New York City area and around the world.

Redeemer, according to Christianity Today, is "one of Manhattan's most vital congregations" and, according to a 2006 survey of 2000 American church leaders, is the 16th most influential church in America

Bishop Todd Hunter of The Anglican Mission in the Americas is the founding pastor of Holy Trinity Church, an Anglican church in Costa Mesa, California and author of Christianity Beyond Belief, Giving Church Another Chance and The Outsider Interviews. Bishop Hunter is also the founding director of Churches for the Sake of Others, the West Coast church planting initiative for The Anglican Mission in the Americas. Prior to his work with the Anglican Mission in the Americas, Todd founded Three is Enough, a small group movement that makes spiritual formation doable.

Dr. Keller and Bishop Hunter both gave very informative talks at the summit. Dr. Keller and Bishop Hunter also answered questions after their talks. If you are interested in church planting, gospel-centered ministry, and related topics, they are worth listening to.

To hear the talks and the question and answer sessions, click here.

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