
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Archbishop of Sydney urges Christians to defend true Gospel

Unless Christians acted now to defend the church and the true Gospel, liberal forces that preached a false Gospel would prevail within 10 years, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and General Secretary of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) said in Port Elizabeth yesterday.

Speaking at a meeting of the FCA in St Saviour’s Anglican Church last night, Jensen said that the turmoil in the worldwide Anglican Communion which was triggered by the approval of gay marriages and ordination of gay bishops in North America, highlighted an issue that was much broader than homosexuality: it went to the authority of Scripture and the heart of the Gospel. He said the issue was not just a threat to Anglicans but to the church at large.

He warned that the apparent lack of any decisive action by the liberal leaders within the Anglican Communion was in fact a calculated strategy to stall for time in the confident expectation that the majority of church members would gradually come around to their viewpoint which was shaped by modern culture rather than by the authority of Scripture.

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