
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Evangelical Alliance: Bell's 'Love Wins' Void of Clear Answers

The oldest alliance of evangelical Christians in the world has weighed in on the controversy over Rob Bell and his new book on heaven and hell.

Calling for a debate characterized by respect, humility and grace, the U.K.-based Evangelical Alliance acknowledged Bell's "brilliant communication" skills and passion to make God's love known.

But what Bell presents in Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived is confusing and unclear, the alliance said.

"I can see now why people are asking whether Rob Bell is a universalist (all will be saved in the end) or not, because it's unclear," Derek Tidball, a member of the Alliance's Board and Council, said in his review Tuesday. "Brilliant communication sometimes gets in the way.

"The book contains volleys of rapid-fire questions but isn't so good at giving answers, at least not clear ones."

In Love Wins, which is No. 2 on The New York Times Best Sellers list and sparked wide debate even before its release this month, Bell raises numerous questions about Jesus, salvation and eternal life that many likely hold.

To read more, click here.

Related article: Driscoll: Without Jesus, You Go to Hell

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