
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Disproportionate Media Coverage of Defections to Rome

No Coverage of Migration of Roman Catholic Priests and Laity to Anglican Church

Judging by the intense media focus on those Church of England clergy who are joining the Roman Catholic Church through the Ordinariate (eg here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here [and that’s not the half of it]), one might easily be persuaded that the traffic is all one way; that the path to salvation is Romeward; the Reformation reversed; and that all the ‘disaffected’ Anglican rats are leaving the ship, despite it not being holed beneath the waterline.

His Grace has commented on the phenomenon before (here), and on the Ordinariate (here and here), and has sent his sincere and best wishes to those who wish to join it. But Roman Catholic clergy were converting to the Church of England years before the Ordinariate was ever devised: movement has always been two-way, and ecumenical relations have probably been enhanced as a consequence.

So why the anti-Anglicanism (here, here, here and here)? Whenever have you read in the British MSM of Roman Catholic priests being received into the Church of England? When have you heard or read any reporting of the soteriological implications for Roman Catholic priests of swearing allegiance to the Supreme Governor, agreeing to abide by the XXXIX Articles or accepting the liturgical authority of the BCP?

To read more, click here.

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