
Monday, March 07, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Will three Church of England vicars go Catholic?

Empty sheep truck awaiting loading

In 1534, simmering tensions became a religious revolution when King Henry VIII turned his back on Rome and set up the Church of England.

Now, after five centures, tensions between Catholics and Anglicans are bubbling again and this time Essex is the centre of attention.

The county has been thrust to the front of the Christian agenda after it was revealed the>ree Church of England priests are considering joining the Ordinariate – an escape route set up by the Pope for the disaffected.

Despite attempts by the Catholic hierarchy in Britain to prevent the move reopening old wounds, senior Anglicans have already said the overtures have a “slightly predatory feel” to them.

To read more, click here.

Related article: Bishop Hollis issues Pastoral Letter on Anglican Ordinariate

“Slightly predatory feel.”

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