
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pocket Bible Thoughts: Seven Way to Blunt Public Worship

Question: What are the pitfalls to avoid in the conduct of church worship from the front?

Friends it will never be perfect - not until the City of God comes down to earth. But, at the least, we can try to anticipate that great day when there will be no need even of a temple (Revelation 21:22 ), and our communion with the Lord will be immediate, and face to face.

Such 'anticipation' takes imaginative preparation and prayerful commitment. Joint worship cannot simply be switched on. If, ahead of time, the whole church can bathe its times of public worship in prayer, (yes, we MUST believe in prayer meetings), then the confident expectation will be that the Holy Spirit will irradiate all that takes place in the public gathering. We can believe that He will accommodate and override our human limitations, creating wonder - and the joy of discovery - among the worshippers. In this way we can advance with eagerness towards our worship times, as we reflect, we prayed about this!

To read more, click here.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The link should be:

  2. Jason,

    Thank you for drawing the problem to my attention. I have corrected the HTML in the post. There should now be an active link to Pocket Bible Thoughts.
