
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Porn gains its .xxx Web domain

Pornography now has its own online domain -- to the chagrin of pro-family advocates.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which oversees the creation of Web addresses, approved the establishment of the .xxx domain for sexually explicit material in a 9-3 vote at the March 18 meeting of its board in San Francisco.

The decision does not mean all pornographic sites will be limited to the .xxx domain, however. Porn businesses still will be able to use .com and other domains.

Pro-family leaders decried ICANN's action.

To read more, click here.

Related web site: Combating Pornography

1 comment:

  1. With new domain name accessibility on .XXX,there is a risk the porn industry may be the first industry to increase some traction in making a prominent and valuable new Top Level Domains (TLD).Similarly as with the .CO,the marketing and launch plans of this new .XXX world could play a major factor in how the domain is seen and visited.On the off chance that the usage of .XXX is carried out inadequately then the TLD will be a joke,yet in the event that its finished with legitimacy then it may begin and fabricate some steam for a "divided internet".
