
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A taste of what Anglo-Catholics will find in the Roman Catholic Church

When will the Vatican enforce Catholicism?

I ran into as couple of two very different news articles that wonderfully illustrate how destructive the so-called "Spirit" of Vatican II has been to the Catholic Church.

The first was from the Vermont affiliate of NPR that is singing the praises of a group of Sister Mary Polyesters in Philadelphia who demand to know, as the headline says, "Nuns To McDonald's: What Are You Doing About Overweight Kids?"

Overweight kids? Whatever happened to all that "salvation of souls" stuff? All that pre-1965 Catholicism must be looked upon as oh, so gauche.

But fret not, dear reader... their website has a clear and ever so prominent "Justice & Peace" link.

And if that fails to warm the cockles of your liberal heart, know that during the Portland, Oregon "March and rally against the war and occupation of Iraq", they've saddled up with Pagans for Peace, Victims of Child Abuse by Churches Against the War, Freedom Socialist Party, and not surprisingly, the Lesbian Community Project.

Not liberal, huggy-touchy enough for you?

To read more, click here.

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