
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Theologians Launch Blog to Tackle Biblical Illiteracy

In an effort to combat biblical illiteracy, a group of 30 seminary professors have made themselves available to provide free education to the public.

The free education comes in the form of a blog – launched this week – with regular posts on anything from prayer and spiritual formation to historical theology and biblical exposition.

"At a time when biblical literacy is at an all time low and there are so many muddled, uninformed views of the Bible, something like The Good Book Blog is such a breath of fresh air," said author of Hipster Christianity and blogger Brett McCracken.

The Good Book Blog features daily posts by faculty from Biola University's Talbot School of Theology.

Ken Berding, associate professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, recently wrote a brief post warning Christians about the significant risk when they bow for prayer but don't actually pray.

"One of the temptations that we as Christian leaders regularly face is to not pray when we pray," he wrote. "I'm convinced that every time we take a posture of prayer and don't actually talk to the Lord, our hearts harden just a little to prayer."

Meanwhile, the hearts of those who do actually talk to God during prayer "are just a bit softer the next time around."

Berding provided one piece of advice for those who feel forced into prayer postures or whose hearts are not turned upward.

"[M]y recommendation is that you pause, perhaps open your eyes for a moment, recalibrate, remind yourself Who it is you are talking to, and then offer a short prayer to the Lord."

To read more, click here.


  1. Westminster Seminary California is already doing that.

    It should be pointed out that Biola is an Arminian seminary.

  2. Charlie,

    I had wondered where Biola stood. If you have the link to the Westminister Seminary Califonia Bible literacy web site, please post it for Anglicans Ablaze readers.

  3. Biola is not an Arminian seminary. The majority of Talbot professors, if not all are Calvinists.
