
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vibrant leadership in Sunday School

If you've read about organizational leadership, you'll recognize the idea of the "inverted pyramid." Vibrant leaders see themselves as servants at the bottom of a pyramid, whose primary job is to exhort and support those charged with carrying out the organization's vision and mission.

Vibrant leaders keep organizational energy focused on a few key principles. My boss at LifeWay, John Kramp, urges me to guard against letting an issue "spin out into complexity!" That's a particularly good word for Sunday School leaders. Volumes have been written about administering effective Sunday schools. I've written a few myself, which you can download free at, including the newest -- Transformational Class: Transformational Church Goes to Sunday School. But at its essence, effective Sunday Schools have vibrant leaders who may try different organizational schemes or experiment with new ideas, but who hold fast to two key principles and one irreducible law.

To read more, click here.

To download Transformational Class training materials, click here.

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