
Monday, March 07, 2011

West Kentucky Anglicans: A Guide to Praying the Daily Offices

In this article I offer a basic guide to praying the Daily Offices. The four offices with which Anglicans and Episcopalians in North America will be most familiar are the services of Morning and Evening Prayer, the service of Noon Day Prayer, and the service of Compline, or Prayer at the End of the Day. Some may be familiar with the Lucenary, or Lamp-Lighting Service, called the Order for Worship in the Evening in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer; others may be familiar with the Litany, or General Intercession, used as a separate service.

What to Pray.

The Daily Offices do not require an ordained minister to lead them. They may be led by anyone.

Any individual, twosome, or group desiring to pray the Daily Offices will need to first decide what office or offices they will pray, how often, when, and where. They will need to decide what service book they will use. They will need to decide whether they will use music and if so what music and who will provide it. They will also need to decide whether their praying of an office will be accompanied by a Bible study, sermon, or teaching, and who will lead the Bible study, what Bible study materials they will use, who will preach the sermon, or who will give the teaching.
To read more, click here.

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