
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Why I Love Online Small Groups

My friend and I recently started an online small group, and it's been an incredible experience. In a very short time it has become one of my favorite hours of the week. Thanks to the internet and webcam technology, small groups are no longer limited by geography.

To get things started, here are some reasons why I LOVE my online small group:

1. I get to do group with some great friends from across the country.
2. It's simple.
3. I attended once in my bathrobe when I was sick!
4. We don't have to coordinate a snack schedule.
5. We hold each other very accountable.
6. It's one of the rawest, most honest group experiences I've ever had.

To read more, click here.

I must admit some misgivings and reservations about "online small groups." I have been involved in a number of small groups over the years and I have learned a great deal about small group dynamics. I have also been involved in a number of online small groups. The dynamics of a face-to-face small group cannot be replicated in an online small group and online small groups have dynamics of their own, which may account for the rawness. I see a place for online small groups, especially for shut-ins and those without a local church community in their area to meet their small group needs. However, I do not think that they are a substitute for face-to-face small groups.

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