
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Burning Quran Not the Right Way to Confront Radical Islam

Protests against the burning of a Quran by Terry Jones last month continue in Pakistan. Condemnation of his actions by President Barack Obama and the United Nations did not appease Muslim sentiments, particularly those of Pakistani Muslims, and emotions are running very high as their resentment towards the USA continues to grow.

The reaction of Pakistani Muslims towards the Danish cartoons, fitna and now Terry Jones and his Quran burning demonstrate just how easily agitated they can become if they feel their religion has not been given proper respect.

Naturally, insulting cartoons and foolish acts like burning a Quran are incredibly hurtful to them. Muslims in Pakistan are a people who greatly revere their religion, the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. These are things they value more than their own lives. Indeed, Pakistani Muslims in general are not afraid to sacrifice their own lives for their religion and, in the same way, many would have no hang ups about taking the life of anyone who insults the Quran or the Prophet Mohammed.

Such a killing is not considered a crime by Muslims in Pakistan, but rather a religious duty, and the killer is treated as a hero. Malik Qadri, the personal bodyguard who killed Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, is one such example. Rather than shame or regret over his actions, Qadri boasted that he had killed Taseer because of his support for change to the blasphemy laws. In many parts of Pakistan, there was nothing but adulation for him.

Pakistan has blasphemy laws to prevent any kind of insult against Islam or the Prophet and these days, even talking about or suggesting a change to the laws is dangerous. The government has bowed down to pressure from Islamic groups in the parliament and abandoned any effort to change the blasphemy laws.

After the murders of Salman Taseer and Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, and with Sherry Rehman having withdrawn her Bill proposing reform of the blasphemy laws, it is going to be increasingly difficult for the Pakistani government and campaigners to change the laws that are behind so much of the suffering of Christians.

Terry Jones may not be aware of it, but his actions have done Christians no favors. Instead he has put Christians even more in harm’s way and will only add to the suffering they experience living in Muslim countries.

To read more, click here.

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