
Friday, April 01, 2011

Happy to Do It

You live in a self-serve society. You pump your own gas, sack your own groceries, get your own cash, put air in your own tires and the list goes on. There's not much service anymore. That's why it is important as a Christ-follower that you understand how important service is to everyday living.

I learned a lot about serving from helping a very special lady in my life. Her name was "Grandma," Lois Draper. She came to live with my family when I was 9 years old.

Grandma came down with polio at 10 months of age and one of her legs was about 4 inches shorter than the other one. I grew up helping Grandma get in and out of her bed, in and out of the house, in and out of cars, and anything else she needed. It was an amazing opportunity to serve a woman who had every reason in the world to complain, but always chose to see things from God's perspective and to view things positively! I learned from helping her that serving really does more for the one serving, than it will ever do for the one being served.

I believe if you are going to serve those around you like Christ, you need to develop a "happy to do it" attitude. When you have a work associate, family member or friend with a need or problem, are you "happy to do it?" or "hacked to do it?" Philippians 2:5 says, "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." It is the attitude of a servant. Jesus said in Luke 22:27, "I am among you as the one who serves."

To read more, click here.

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