
Monday, April 04, 2011

Kampala cathedral foundation stone laid

The Archbishop of Uganda has laid the foundation stone for a new Anglican cathedral at a groundbreaking ceremony on Jan 27 in Kampala.

The first phase of the All Saints Cathedral £6.6 million construction project is scheduled to be completed by Christmas 2012, in time for the cathedral’s centenary. On Feb 27 Mr. Shem Byakagaba, the building project committee chairman said the entire project would be completed within three to five years.

The design includes a two level underground parking garage, two galleries, two chapels, offices, two boardrooms and a 45-metre bell tower.

In his address to the congregation, the Archbishop Henry Orombi said God had “appointed this generation to build for him a house of worship because the spirit of construction of houses is ripe in this country.”

The 4000-seat cathedral will be funded by Ugandans for Ugandans, the archbishop said. “People have money” to give towards the building, he said, and most of the materials will come from Uganda. “If we want tiles, we shall get them, if we want cement, we shall get it, if we want iron sheets, we shall get them,” the archbishop said.

Not all of the funds are in hand, however, to complete construction £127,000 must be raised each month until the project is completed.

To read more, click here.

Related article: Plans for an Anglican University for Eastern Uganda unveiled
Related website: All Saints Cathedral Project

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