
Friday, April 08, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: How the Ordinariate could influence liturgical developments in the Catholic mainstream

Shawn Tribe has written an interesting piece on his New Liturgical Movement website about the possible contribution of the Ordinariate to the development of the vernacular liturgical tradition in the Catholic Church.

He points out the growing interest in the use of Latin in the liturgy, both in the Extraordinary form and in the Novus Ordo. But, as he says, the vernacular is here to stay, and we have to address what has been one problem over recent decades: “our experience with the vernacular”, as he says, “has been rather lack-lustre at best and banal at worst”.

The problem has been addressed, he says, IN PART in the new translation of the liturgy. I would have thought it had been addressed fairly thoroughly by the new translation: but Mr Tribe thinks we can go further, and I have to say that I find his argument compelling. “Enter”, he says, “the Anglican Ordinariate”....

To read more, click here.

I wonder if William Oddie has read what Myles Coverdale subsequently wrote about the Mass.

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