
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sunday School key to growing churches

Transformational churches clearly have an intentional process for making disciples. Yet, the focus is less on the process itself than on the people who benefited from it. So, we coined the term "relational intentionality" to describe it. Why not two separate elements? The concepts of helping people develop relationships and doing so in the context of an intentional disciple-making process intertwine in transformational churches.

This finding was remarkably consistent with the research reported in "Simple Church," a book by LifeWay President Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. Transformational churches have a clear and well-communicated process for helping someone move along a path of discipleship. That path is marked by different types of group experiences that serve as proxy indicators of spiritual growth. People can clearly identify where they are on the path and what kind of group represents the next step.

To read more, click here.

To download a copy of David Francis' free online book, "Transformational Class: Transformational Church Goes to Sunday School," click here.

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