
Monday, April 18, 2011

Why ECUSA Will Not Sign the Anglican Covenant

The political forces in ECUSA are gathering against the proposed Anglican Covenant. They are nevertheless content to bide their time, and see what other provinces will ratify or reject it between now and July 2012, when General Convention next meets in Indianapolis. They do not want to be seen as in the vanguard of the opposition. Rather, they wish to be part of the coup de grace, by finishing it off after it has already been rejected by a majority of the 38 churches in the Communion.

To be sure, those dioceses in ECUSA which have done the most damage to the Church's relationship with the Anglican Communion are not holding their disapprovals back -- they have no reason to, because they are already in the vanguard of the campaign to erase all memory of Resolution 1.10 adopted at the 1998 Lambeth Conference. And look for the Executive Council to take a stand against the Covenant at its meeting in June.

With regard to ECUSA's inevitable decision against the Covenant, I have long predicted such an outcome on this blog; my judgment is thus far unaltered by any subsequent events. But I wish to amplify here upon some of the details of the scurvy power play which is taking place within the previously dignified halls of the Anglican Communion. The power play is occurring because of two things: there is a vacuum of Communion leadership, and at the same time there is no lack of opportunists who are willing to exploit that vacuum to their own ends.

To read more, click here.

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