
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Andy Stanley Dispels 'the Right Person' Myth

Didn’t you see that coming? Didn’t someone warn you? Did no one ever tell you about that?

Those were the questions that always came to Pastor Andy Stanley’s mind when speaking with many singles and couples about their relationships.

After hearing story after story of broken relationships, the Georgia preacher realized one thing: when it comes to relationships, common sense isn’t common sense at all.

Hoping to expel all the myths that plague relationships, beginning with “the right person" myth, Stanley began a series entitled “The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating” at his North Point Community Church this past weekend.

“I want to cast a vision on something our society does a lousy job of honestly,” said the influential pastor. “I want to give you hope that this can really work. You don’t have to buy into what culture tells us about relationships.

“Our culture highlights all the trouble, all the drama, all the affairs and all the junk. Do not believe for a minute that any of that reflects reality. That does not have to be your future. The handwriting is not written on the wall.”

To read more, click here.

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