
Monday, May 09, 2011

Anglican Bishop Blasts West's Reticence on Christian Persecution

An Anglican bishop in the Church of England has criticized the West’s reticence on violence against Christians and other minority communities in the Middle East, South Asia and other parts of the world.

Writing in the latest edition of Standpoint magazine, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali said the United Nations had taken the necessary steps to protect people in Libya from attacks by their own government, but questioned why the United Nations or the West was “unable to tackle the widespread and growing persecution of Christians?”

He voiced particular concern over Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the Christian communities face regular attacks and harassment at the hands of Muslims.

“In the case of Iraq, why is there so much resistance to a declaration that Christians, Mandaeans, Yazidis and other minorities need to be protected and that, where necessary, their safety in certain zones will be guaranteed by the international community?” he said.

The bishop suggested that international guarantees would give Christians in Iraq greater confidence concerning their future in the country.

Without that, the only option available to them at present was to flee the country
To read more, click here.

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