
Thursday, May 05, 2011

Archbishop of Canterbury appoints flying bishops

Jonathan Baker and Norman Banks will provide pastoral care for Anglicans opposed to female clergy

The Church of England is experiencing "much upheaval and uncertainty", the archbishop of Canterbury has said as he announced the appointment of two bishops who will provide spiritual and pastoral care for Anglicans opposed to female clergy.

Dr Rowan Williams said that the Rev Jonathan Baker, 44, and the Rev Norman Banks, 57, were taking up a "very demanding pastoral ministry" and would need prayers and friendship.

Provincial episcopal visitors – also known as flying bishops – care for parishes and priests who do not accept female clergy. The previous flying bishops, Keith Newton and Andrew Burnham, left the Church of England. They were among the 900 who joined the ordinariate, a Vatican initiative that allows Anglicans to convert while keeping elements of their liturgical heritage.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Since both of these new flying bishops are vehement Anglo-Catholics, It would appear that the plight of the Anglo-Reformed in England has only gotten worse. How long will it be before they take their parishes to Rome? Once again, I feel affirmed in my belief that the Church of England, and the Anglican Communion can be abandoned with no schismatic remorse.
