
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Barna Research Points to Opportunities for Churches to Address Technology

According to a new research study conducted by The Barna Group, many parents and teens are interested in receiving guidance from their churches concerning media and technology, yet few churches are addressing these issues.

The summary of the study reports,

Most parents and tweens/teens have not heard any kind of teaching in a church, religious setting, or public forum (like a school) about how families can best use media, entertainment or technology.Y

et the report goes on to say,

When asked if they would be open to one version of such training—“a Christian or faith-based perspective about how to be a good user of entertainment and technology without letting things negatively impact your family relationships”—about two-fifths of parents (42%) and one-third of tweens and teens (33%) expressed interest.

To read more, click here.

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