
Friday, May 20, 2011

Barometer of belief

So many times I have heard it asked, not as a question but as an accusation; ‘why are you not more generous to people of good heart but who differ from you on theological issues?’ and why is it appropriate that at times a person will be your ally and at other times your adversary?

My way of explaining this is what I call the barometer of belief. Barometers measure atmospheric pressure so that you can tell if you are under the influence of a high pressure or low pressure cell. But the real value of a barometer is seeing the change in atmospheric pressure that is occurring. If the barometric pressure is declining then we are in for unsettled weather (at least in the Southern hemisphere).

The same is true of a person’s theological position. Whether a person is an ally or a foe has as much or more to do with where they are moving from and where they are moving to than the content of what they believe.

To read more, click here.

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