
Saturday, May 14, 2011

BIBLE STORYING, Article 7: Beginning a Bible Storying encounter

In beginning a Bible Storying encounter, consider:

-- Using a pocket photo album. Some like to begin a casual conversation and then move it toward the family. The photo album is opened to show a picture of the storyer's family (husband, wife, children). After some comment, the storyer mentions having another family he/she is part of. The next picture is that of one's church showing people and not just a building. Discuss what it means to have a family like this who also love you and care for you. Then mention that we are all part of a larger family which has a problem. Turn now to Adam and Eve and their disobedience and proceed through the selected pictures to the resurrection of Jesus. Then offer an opportunity to be a part of the family of Jesus which we enter through faith in Him as God's provision for our "family problem" -- sin.

-- Visiting bedside in a home or hospital. Because of the person's illness or possible short attention span, this should be a very brief presentation which hits only the high spots and minimally in the Old Testament with major emphasis upon Jesus. At the conclusion, offer to come again and give a more in-depth presentation when the person is stronger or if other family members desire it.

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