
Saturday, May 28, 2011

BIBLE STORYING, Article 9: Telling the story

In Bible Storying, beyond knowing the background scriptures for each story, you might read a scripture passage for each story to anchor it in the Bible. When you tell the story, the listeners will hear the Bible passage as part of the story. This is one way in which we authenticate the story.

The scripture references in parentheses in the stories in various Bible Storying resources are for your reference only and should not be given as part of the story. Later if a person asks a question and you need to refer to the passage, you will have record of it. Too, add your own references and any discussion points or questions to ask listeners as you study and prepare the stories as you will tell them.

The first several times you attempt to story through the Bible you will feel a need to have your outline or teaching notes in hand along with your Bible. Soon you will find that you can do the stories mostly from memory and not constantly rely upon your notes. This will free you to gesture and articulate your story to hold the listeners' attention and for clarity and understanding as they hear the stories from God's Word.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting my article. I deeply appreciate all the emphasis on Bible Storying, not for any personal gain, but for making God's Word accessible to oral learners and understandable to hose who need to hear it in story form. I believe we are on the wave of rediscovering what God is saying to us in a very relational manner through the stories from His Word. J.O.Terry
