
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Church leader and Anglican Alliance call for immediate support for civilians in Sudan

The Anglican Alliance has received reports of civilians fleeing from the contested Abyei area in Sudan after Northern troops swept through the town over the weekend. Civilians, many of whom fled on foot, headed further south, towards towns which are also being deserted amidst fears of an imminent attack.

A local church leader sent the following report from the region:

“Sudanese forces attacked Abyei town on Saturday at around 8pm. The whole town was completely set on fire and approximately 20,000 people fled towards the bush and towns in Warrap State. The situation on the ground is worsening. Displaced people and children are seriously affected living under trees in Agok. Civilians are down on streets and in bushes, no food, no shelter, no water and no medical assistance.

A local school has accommodated 2,800 displaced people despite the fact that there is very limited space for such a huge number of people. There is no other option, the deteriorating conditions force us to accept them in. The majority are still under trees with children, sick people and elderly people. People with communicable diseases are forced to sleep together with healthy people.

We are now calling for urgent support for civilians, who are lying on the ground without medical attention, shelter, food and water. We are left no choice but to raise the voice of the voiceless for relief assistance”.

To read more, click here.

Related article: Sudan: Khartoum Occupies Abyei

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