
Friday, May 27, 2011

Court Upholds Missionary's Free Speech Rights

A federal appeals court has come down on the side of a Christian evangelist who was barred by a Detroit suburb from handing out leaflets at an Arab-American street festival.

Dearborn and its police department had sought to restrict the areas where George Saieg could hand out flyers during the Arab International Festival on Warren Avenue last year.

Saieg, an Arab-American from California, was offered a free booth from which to distribute his literature but was prohibited from walking freely around the sidewalks to hand out flyers.

The literature in question related to the conversion of Muslims to Christianity.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Thursday that the restrictions on Saieg violated his rights to free speech and were unreasonable, given that pedestrians and vendors were able to use the sidewalks.

The 2-1 decision in the court means that the city and Police Chief Ronald Haddad could be held liable for damages.

To read more, click here.

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