
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Heaven May Be a Fairy Tale, but Who Said Fairy Tales Aren’t Real?

Stephen Hawking is among the greatest scientific minds since Einstein. But he is a better theoretical physicist than he is a theologian. In an interview, Hawking declared, “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers [Hawking regards the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail]; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

Another exquisitely intelligent person spoke about heaven in a much more sophisticated manner than Hawking.

C. S. Lewis believed, with J. R. R. Tolkien, that Christianity was “true myth.” The Gospel story, they believed, had what one commentator called “the emotional and imaginative power of a myth.” They also believed that understanding myth was part of understanding truth, that myths foreshadowed the drama of the incarnation. “If you take the sacrificial idea out of Christianity you deprive both Judaism and Paganism of all significance,” Lewis wrote to Arthur Greeves in 1932. “Can one believe that there was just nothing in that persistent motif of blood, death, and resurrection, which runs like a black and scarlet cord through all the greater myths—thro’ Balder & Dionysus & Adonis & the Graal too? Surely the history of the human mind hangs together better if you supposed that all this was the first shadowy approach of something whose reality came with Christ—even if we can’t at present fully understand that something.”

What Hawking said about fairy tales, then, may be closer to the mark than he intended or understands. A fairy tale, as Lewis pointed out, is merely a story about the world of the spirit, “the only real ‘other world’ that we know.” Where Hawking and Lewis really differ is over the question whether the human spirit is real.

To read more, click here.

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