
Friday, May 06, 2011

BIBLE STORYING, Article 6: Options for telling the stories

In Bible Storying, consider these options:

-- Tell one story each encounter. This is the best approach if you plan to discuss the stories with your listeners to draw out the truths in the stories by dialoging about the stories and the implication for the listeners. This is the normal strategy followed in Chronological Bible Storying. If the story list is not too long, you may have time to tell all the stories, discuss them with listeners and bring them to closure with an invitation to believe.

-- Tell a cluster of stories each encounter. This approach takes advantage of the fact that stories tend to group together around certain themes or characters which link the stories together. The creation stories (of the spirit world, the natural world and of man and woman) deal with God's sovereignty. Then a cluster of judgment stories follows (Adam and Eve's sin, Cain's sin, judgment of the sinful world in Noah's day). Then the promise stories (God's promise to Abraham of a descendant to bless all peoples, the same promise to Isaac and Jacob). The Abraham stories also have the substitute sacrifice which is one of the key stories leading to Christ as the substitute sacrifice for our sin.

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