
Monday, May 09, 2011

Interview: Open Doors CEO on Misconceptions About Persecution

Carl Moeller, CEO of Open Doors USA, spoke to The Christian Post during the Evangelical Press Association conference this past week in Lisle, Ill., about his new book, The Privilege of Persecution.

Moeller talked about the biggest misconception Americans have about the persecuted, and how persecuted Christians can overcome the question of why a loving God would allow suffering, among other topics.

CP: What is the biggest misconception Americans have about the persecuted church?

Moeller: I think the biggest misconception is that there is an us and them. The persecuted Christians where I have interacted with them immediately assume that we should be praying for them and with them. They are praying for us, we should be praying for them, that we are one body.

Our assumption here in America is that we are here and they are there. It is an "us and them" mentality. The persecuted don’t have that. They are grateful when we come from the United States and Europe to minister and be with them. But their assumption is of course, we are brothers and sisters.

To read more, click here.

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