
Friday, May 06, 2011

Old High Church Tenets

An essay by UECNA Presiding Bishop, the Right Revd Peter Robinson

Thoughts on Central Churchmanship: Theology for Central Churchmen is very much a continuation of the old High Church, or as some folks called it, orthodox, tradition. We begin first and foremost with the idea that Holy Scripture contains all things necessary to Salvation and it corrolary – that orthodox Creedal Christianity can be proved from the Bible. Therefore it is not necessary to waste much time here discussing the Being and nature of God, the Trinity, the Incarnation, Atonement, etc., as Central Churchmen are all in full accord with the traditional teaching on these matters. When it comes to what makes Anglicans different, Central Churchmen basically follow the line of development that begins with Jewel, the wanders its way through Hooker to the Caroline Divines, and then on to eighteenth and nineteenth century High Churchmen like Daniel Waterland, William Van Mildert, Harold Browne, Christopher Wordsworth, etc.. Central Churchmen tend to be mildly Arminian in outlook, believe that baptism confers regeneration, and believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. They also hold with a mild form of the doctrine of Apostolic Succession.

To read more, click here.

Related essay: "Broad and Central"


  1. Nice to see an article by the Presiding Bishop of my Province on your blog.

  2. I am not averse to posting other viewpoints beside my own. I keep the different segments of my readership in mind when I search the Internet for articles and essays that might interest them or resources that they might use. I also keep them in mind when I write articles or select and edit material for posting. I seek to make my blog edifying to my readers. One might say that it is the influence of the apostle Paul and Archbishop Cranmer and ultimately the Holy Spirit.
