
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah Winfrey Bids Farewell, Daytime TV Loses 'Spiritual Leader'

The Oprah Winfrey Show, the most popular talk show on TV, is airing its farewell episode Wednesday.

After a memorable 25-year run, Winfrey will be leaving daytime television with a more quiet and personal show of simply thanking her viewers.

It's the finale episode of one of the world's most powerful women that millions of people are expected to watch. With a wide fan base and a long list of celebrity supporters, her influence is undeniable.

But some have gone as far as to deem her as a sort of spiritual leader in America.

And her "gospel" message all these years has been about "you," observed Kathryn Lofton, author of Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon.

Lofton, assistant professor of American studies and religious studies at Yale, told that the "good news" that she has been sharing for more than two decades is "that if you take hold of your life, if you discover (as she says) your best life, anything is possible."

To read more, click here.

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