
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oprah Winfrey, spiritual leader?

Oprah Winfrey plays many roles-- talk show host, chairman of a television network, philanthropist — but the one she says is most important to her is that of spiritual leader.

“. . .I’m very clear about what my role and purpose is,” Winfrey said to Piers Morgan in a January interview.

“This isn’t about me. I am the messenger to deliver the message of redemption, of hope, of forgiveness, of gratitude, of evolving people to the best of themselves. So I am on my personal journey. My personal journey is to fulfill the highest expression of myself here as a human being here on earth.”

If it sounds like Oprah is using elegant, non-religious language to describe her spiritual purpose, that’s because she is. The Baptist girl from Mississippi has evolved into a living symbol of the “spiritual but not religious” movement, delivering new age gurus to suburban living rooms and calling her largely female devotees to their embrace their life’s great purpose.

To read more, click here.

Related article: The Church of O

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