
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seven Things a Pastor Should Understand About His Wife

This month we focused on “The Unforgotten Bride” in the Perry Noble leadership podcast … basically we talked about the pastors wife and how she quite often is the most underappreciated and undervalued person in the church…by the pastor (her husband!) You can go to the “Perry Noble Leadership Podcast” on itunes and download the episode for free. (It would actually be beneficial for any husband and wife to listen through!)

Today I wanted to share seven things a pastor (or any husband) should understand about your wife…

#1 – Your wife is not your servant…and God’s #1 call on her life is NOT for her to be impressed with you. When you expect her to be impressed with you the way for an affair has been prepared because your biggest desire is to have your ego stroked and not to be the man God has called you to be…one who is unselfish and loves His wife like Christ loves the church.

#2 – Your wife should be as involved in ministry as she feels called to be. She should NEVER be pressured by you to attend things or do things “just because she’s your wife.” Doing so MAY fill a gap in the ministry…but it will cause her to begin to despise the church.

To read more, click here.

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