
Friday, May 13, 2011

Study: 6-Year-Olds Targeted With Sexualizing Clothes

A new study found that girls as young as six are the target of clothing firms which are coming out with products that sexualize kids by accenting certain parts of the body and reducing waist size.

The study is no surprise to Les Bradford, co-founder of Youth Ministry 360, known for its “Live Different: What the Bible Says About Sex and Holiness" Bible study curriculum, especially considering that sexual expression “invades our culture in so many different levels.”

The recent study, conducted by Sarah Mullen, professor at Kenyon College in Ohio, studied 15 clothing websites from high-end fashion to junior U.S. markets, according to AFP.

Her team of students looked at 5,666 clothing items and used a grading system depending on “the sexiness” of the garments.

According to her findings, 69 percent had child-like characteristics such as a top with a butterfly print in pastel colors.

About 25 percent included both sexualizing and childlike characteristics.
To read more,click here.

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