
Friday, June 17, 2011

Americans Still Believe in Traditional Marriage, Poll Reveals

A national marriage survey commissioned by a conservative legal group found that 62 percent of Americans believe that marriage should be defined as a union between a man and a woman. The numbers, the survey director said, mirrors the millions of Americans in 31 states who voted in favor of constitutional marriage amendments.

Despite several other polls which show the national opinion is trending toward favoring legalizing gay marriage, the poll sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund shows the exact opposite – Americans still strongly support traditional marriage.

The poll simply asked respondents if they strongly agreed, agreed or disagreed with the statement, "I believe marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman." The survey was completed by 1,500 adults ages 18 and older.

The survey summary asserts that 53 percent strongly agree with the statement while another 9 percent said they agreed with statement. Together 62 percent agreed they supported a traditional definition of marriage.

Only 35 percent of respondents disagreed.

Gene Ulm, Public Opinion Strategies partner and survey director, said the national survey's overwhelming support for traditional support is "not surprising." Unlike the other national polls, Ulm said this poll closely reflects the voters themselves.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. The poll’s sponsors did not release methodology or crosstabs.
    That I find fishy.
    I would love Nate Silver to weigh in on this poll.
    This poll seems more agenda driven than science based.
