
Saturday, June 04, 2011

Angry Elderly Man Locks Noisy Christian Musicians in Church Tower

A group of professional church bell-ringers have been threatened and then locked in a church tower May 28, 2011 by…an angry pensioner!
The group of six bell-ringers had traveled all the way from south to north England especially to perform their talents. However, the noise from the bell-ringing did not impress the elderly man, who climbed the narrow winding staircase in the tower of St John the Evangelist Church in Sharow, North Yorkshire.

When he reached the summit the pensioner swore at the bell-ringers, threatening to damage their cars. He then slammed the door to the belfry and wedged a piece of wood in the door, trapping the church folk.

The six musicians found themselves shut in and, despite banging on the trapdoor and calling for help, were trapped for half an hour before their cries for help were heard by another member of the church who was locking up.

According to the Daily Mail, the liberator Sandra Price commented: “I thought it was strange when I arrived and their cars were still outside and they were not ringing any more. I wandered up at 5.10pm and heard this stamping and I thought that was a funny way to ring the bells - it sounded more like Irish dancing!”

She continued: “I waited five minutes and a piece of wood flew down the stairs. I thought these people are destroying the church!”

To read more, click here.

Related article: Bells... what is the a-peal?

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