
Saturday, June 11, 2011


The apostle Paul charged through the open door to reach the gentiles, but God used Barnabas to open it! Why was Barnabas called the "Son of encouragement"?

The apostle Barnabas bent over the bloodied body, perplexed and distressed. At first moan and stir of what had appeared to be a corpse, the little coterie of Christians gasped in disbelief. Then the short stocky torso turned. Paul slowly sat up among the blood-stained stones.

An ecstatic Barnabas helped Paul to his feet. Paul had survived a stoning! Astonished, the group heard Paul announce, he was all right, and watched him turn back toward the city again (Acts 14:19-20)! Such was the character of the man God chose to get the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the known gentile world.

But what of the character of his relieved and grateful partner? What was the role of Barnabas in the Work at that time? What value does his example hold for us today? Some may be surprised to learn Barnabas was the major human instrument God used to employ Paul in the ministry, and to get the gentile Work off the ground.

To read more, click here.

Related Wikipedia article: Barnabas

I was born on the Feast of St. Barnable the Apostle(June 11th)and therefore I have a special affection for this particular New Testament saint--Mar Bar Naba, the son of prophecy, the son of encouragement.

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