
Friday, June 03, 2011

Christian Episcopal Church Leader Calls for Full Communion among Continuers

The Bishop of the Richmond, BC, based Christian Episcopal Church called on the Congress of Traditional Anglicans meeting here to unite all the Continuing Anglican bodies in "one bond of communion and fellowship within that Body which is His holy Catholic Church."

Bishop Robert D. Redmile said the congress focus on "reaffirmation" needed "real oneness in the Body of Christ and needed to be united together. "I believe this can be achieved is we can only agree on a 'Basis for full Communion' upon which we can build together in unity, an irreducible minimum of principles that will become for us the foundation of our common fellowship."

"I propose that we here at this Congress should formulate just such a 'basis for full communion' amongst ourselves, an d that we come together to form a communion of Catholic and apostolic Anglican churches and that we then take this back with us to our respective jurisdictions to be considered by our several Synods for their approval."

To read more, click here.

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