
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clergy find joy, but plates runneth over

When it comes to keeping off excess weight, it appears that members of the clergy don't have a prayer.

A recent study funded by Duke Divinity School found that, on average, ministers make up the chubbiest profession. But this is one of those good news/bad news deals: The good news is that a separate survey by the University of Chicago found that preachers also tend to be the most-satisfied workers.

Yes, we're talking about people who embody the stereotypical image of someone who is fat and happy.

"It's a great job," said the Rev. Christ Enstad, senior pastor at Elim Lutheran Church in Robbinsdale. "Who else is welcomed into other people's lives, from birth to death and everything in between?" After a well-timed pause he added: "And we get to wear black, which is supposed to be slimming."

To read more, click here.

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