
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Evangelicals Form New Group to Bring Churches Back to the Bible

A group of pastors launched a new evangelical network Tuesday in the hopes of reaching American churches that have fallen into liberal ideology and encouraging a full return back to conservative values and principles.

In order to reclaim misled churches, Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. and a band of six other clergy members have created the International Communion of Evangelical Churches, aimed at forming "an army of churches" that would set the moral high ground for American churches and the nation.

ICEC will recruit churches and Christian groups, both at home and abroad, believed to be evangelical in their beliefs and observance of Scripture to ignite a flame in the Christian community. So far, the network has 1,000 members, Jackson said. Another 1,000 churches and organizations have also expressed their interest in the joining network.

In the coming months, ICEC members plan to selectively invite more churches and groups to join the network. Then it will throw itself into its main mission: evangelizing 5 million new believers and erecting 5,000 churches within the next 10 years.

"I believe that we are going to see in the days ahead multiplied millions of people impacted by this organization and by a new spiritual awakening that is beginning to occur in America," said Jackson, chairman of church group the High Impact Leadership Coalition.

Founding members of the ICEC believe American churches have strayed from its foundation as a moral conscience to the nation. These churches have been led astray by so-called spiritual leaders with ideology that is not supported by Scripture.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Who are these guys, what are their credentials, is this targeted at all churches or only churches of one ethnicity?
