
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Global evangelical leaders: church declining in North, surging in South

A new survey out today reflects a potentially massive, important chasm growing within evangelical Protestantism – between those in the Northern (and largely more developed) parts of the world and those in the South (largely less developed, but rapidly changing).

Evangelical leaders from the “Global North” (Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand) in many ways see a different world than their counterparts in the “Global South” (sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, much of Asia). And the Global South is where the populations, and Christianity, is really booming.

The Northern leaders see evangelicalism’s influence dramatically waning, while the South sees it rising. The majority of them oppose the Bible being the law of the land, while the majority of those in the South support it. They disagree sharply – and in surprising ways - - about Islam, as well as about the role of women in marriage.

To read more, click here.

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