
Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Offer Criticism: Part 5

I have been attempting to encourage healthy, honest dialog, and fruitful criticism in the Christian community through this series on how to criticize well.

Here is a look back at previous posts:

1. Critique What One Actually Believes
2. Critique Fairly and Charitably
3. Wait
4. Check Your Motive and Goal

Today, I'm wrapping it up as we focus on the need to admit when we are wrong.

#5 Admit When You Are Wrong

We all engage in criticism, and because we are fallible human beings there will be times when we make mistakes in our criticism of others. So, beware of the person who is constantly criticizing others, yet never admits when they have got it wrong. And more importantly, keep a close watch on yourself. When was the last time you admitted that you missed the mark in your evaluation of another, or lacked balance and charity in your remarks?

To read more, click here.

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