
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Minnesota Next Battleground for Homosexual Marriage

Bachmann and Pawlenty played key roles in prior debates

Coming on the heels of New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage, Minnesota is set to be one of the next battleground states for this controversial issue. A proposed constitutional amendment on the 2012 ballot would limit marriage to one man and one woman.

Although Republicans who were strong-armed by Governor Andrew Cuomo were key to same-sex marriage passing in New York, voters are a much harder sell. Pro-marriage organizations such as the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council have a 31-state winning streak on their side when it comes to putting the issue before the people.

Interestingly, former Governor Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Michele Bachmann will each have their own say in the matter since both are registered voters in the state. Both Pawlenty and Bachmann support a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

In 2004, then state Senator Michele Bachmann introduced a marriage amendment that was defeated. The state’s governor at the time was Tim Pawlenty who promised to sign any pro-marriage legislation that crossed his desk.

Chuck Darrell of the Minnesota Family Council applauded state legislators for putting the issue on the ballot.

“Our legislature wisely decided to let the people decide the issue of marriage – not politicians or activist judges,” said Darrell. “For an eighteen month period people are going to talk about the issue around the dinner table, at work and at the coffee shop. I’m confident Minnesotans will come to the conclusion that marriage is important and needs to be protected. We’re looking forward to a civilized debate on the issue.”

To read more, click here.

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