
Friday, June 17, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: The Anglican Ordinariate - A Gift to the Pilgrims and a Gift to the Church

His Eminence, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, delivered an historic address - summarizing the current state of the Anglican Ordinariate in American - to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Wednesday, June 15 at their spring General Assembly in Bellevue, Washington.

Cardinal Wuerl's remarks underscored the fact that clergy and parishes from Episcopal and Anglican jurisdictions in America have, indeed, accepted the invitation from the Holy Father in an apostolic constitution issued in November 2009, "Anglicanorum coetibus."

They will be joining those clergy and parishes from England and Wales who have already been established through the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

The Cardinal outlined a process that would include evaluation, screening and formation of former Anglican bishops and priests as well as ways in which U.S. Bishops can aid in the process of bringing in clergy and parishes.

Some Catholics, as well as Protestants, have been scratching their heads regarding the purpose of the Ordinariate. Why not just not enter and become Roman Catholics? Why establish a new corporate union? What is the big deal?

Through "Anglicanorum coetibus," the Church signaled that the Holy Spirit is doing something powerful in Christian history.

To read more, click here.

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