
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Per angusta in augusta

This is sad news for Anglo-Catholics, and sad news for clergy bloggers -- indeed, for all of us who blog on religious topics. Father John Hunwicke, whom I met personally last year in Oxford and whom I have been following regularly since then, has been told that his ordination into the Catholic Church, as part of the new Anglican Ordinariate, has been "deferred" -- on the ground, apparently, that what he (or commenters?) may have written on his blog needs to be reviewed first.

As many readers will know by now (he started blogging more than four years ago), there is not anyone more devoted to the Magisterium than Father Hunwicke. He alone edits and publishes the annual Ordo (Order for the Holy Eucharist) for Anglo-Catholics, which provides the Ordinariate with all the liturgical direction it could ever require. And I personally, having been privileged to attend one at his beautiful old stone church in Oxford, can attest to his devotion to the Mass in all its splendid detail, a devotion and attention which fuses vestments, altar cloths, incense, asperges, purificator, pall, corporal, veil, burse and all the other accoutrements into a liturgical experience of the highest order.

To read more, click here.

"Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil" (Jeremiah 13:23 KJV)

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