
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Quiz: How Christian Are You?

How Christian are you?

A new quiz by the non-profit group, Changing the Face of Christianity, offers to answer that question. The Texas-based group scores participants after they answer 10 multiple choice questions online. Quiz takers are ranked: far from Christ, worldly Christian, good Christian, or spiritually mature Christian.

"This score or ‘Christianity Index’ is not intended to pass judgment on anyone,” clarified Changing the Face of Christianity founder R. Brad White, a former atheist turned devout Christian. “Instead, self-proclaiming Christians are encouraged to use it as a gauge of how well they reflect Jesus Christ both internally and externally.”

Questions do not test Bible knowledge or theological understanding, but rather compare how well self-identified Christians are measuring up to the Bible’s teachings as modeled by Jesus Christ.

“We're testing how the Christian responds in very practical and real-world scenarios," noted White.

Participants are asked questions about how they react when someone cuts them off in traffic and how they have changed after accepting Jesus Christ as their savior.

To read more, click here.

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