
Monday, June 13, 2011

Rejoinder to Dr. Rodgers

Second thoughts on a male-only priesthood as outlined by Bishop John H. Rodgers

Who would expect that two former Dean/Presidents of Trinity School for Ministry would disagree on such a fundamental issue as the ordination of women? The fact that we do, and that the faculty, alumni and supporters of our beloved seminary also disagree on such a sensitive issue of biblical interpretation and application, is to me a sign of the strength of our community - to say nothing of our deep and abiding friendships in Christ. Because we are willing to be open in our disagreements about things that do not pertain to our salvation or to the moral imperatives that flow from that incomparable gift, we demonstrate the difference between what is essential and what is not.

Clearly the matter of women's ordination is an issue of church order and not one of fundamental doctrine. While it is true that some churchmen do make the submission of women to men in the ordained ministry a matter of critical importance, even tying it to the essence of the church itself, there are few I suspect who would make it a salvation issue.

In his chapter on "A Case for the Male-Only Priesthood", reprinted in the Vol. 8, Issue 24 edition of Virtue Online, Dr. Rodgers (now, of course, Bishop Rodgers, and to me simply "John") makes a number of assumptions that I believe are highly questionable.

To read more, click here.

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