
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Rescue the Perishing

My wife, Nellie Jo, and I recently enjoyed a few relaxing days at our favorite beach. Every day we walked five or more miles on the beach, enjoying the scenery and the time with each other.

On a typical walk, Nellie Jo looks down for shells. This particular beach has an abundance of unspoiled seashells. But this time, her usual plans were disrupted for a providential appointment.

Seeing the Danger

We passed by a little boy, probably about two years old, on the edge of the water. He was playing in the sand and yelling in delight as small waves crashed toward him.

I saw a typical beach scene. Nellie Jo saw danger.

First, she noticed that the boy’s mom was fifty or more feet from him. Furthermore, the mom was distracted by her two older children playing nearer to her. Nellie Jo also saw that the ocean floor fell about two feet from the edge of the water, right where the little boy was playing.

To read more, click here.

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